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Abstract This paper proposed an application of expert system to submarine arrangement design. Since all components of the submarine should be placed in a restricted place called pressure hull, expert knowledge has great effects on design of submarine arrangement. In this regard, a suitable knowledge-based expert system shell was applied to design of submarine arrangement process. To use expert system on the design of submarine arrangement effectively, a template model for submarine arrangement, which is proper to use in optimum design process, was developed. The proposed system was applied to simplified example of submarine arrangement problem to choose optimal design alternative. From this study, it was verified that expert system could be used in design of submarine arrangement with effect.
Publication Date 2013-11-07

김기수, 노명일, 하솔, 구남국, 김성용, "잠수함 배치 설계에의 전문가 시스템의 적용 방안에 대한 연구",  2013년도 대한조선학회 추계학술발표회, 울산, pp. 438-444, 2013.11.07-08

  1. No Image 05Dec
    in Domestic Conference

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    in Domestic Conference

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    in Domestic Conference

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  6. No Image 05Dec
    by SyDLab
    in Domestic Conference

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  7. No Image 04Mar
    in Domestic Conference

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  8. No Image 04Mar
    in Domestic Conference

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    in Domestic Conference

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  10. No Image 28May
    in Domestic Conference

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