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Abstract Big data technology refers to a technique for extracting values from structured or unstructured data and for analyzing the results. In the shipbuilding and offshore industry, it becomes possible to store all the data, which are generated in the process of design, production, and operation, to the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) database due to development of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Thus, there is growing interest in the effective utilization of PLM data through the big data technology. To apply big data technology to PLM data, servers based on big data framework are required and PLM data should be stored on the servers. In this study, we construct servers with Hadoop, which is mostly used in the researches related to big data and is a framework for storing and processing various and vast amount of data. We use an Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) tool based on the big data technology to import PLM data from the PLM database and store it to the servers. To check the applicability of this approach, it is applied to an example of shipyards to increase the productivity. The result shows that it can be used as one alternative for the productivity improvement in shipyards.
Publication Date 2017-04-20

김성훈, 노명일, 오민재, 박성우, 구남국, "조선해양 PLM을 위한 빅데이터 기술 연구", 2017년도 대한조선학회 춘계학술발표회, 부산, pp. 528, 2017.04.19-20

List of Articles
번호 분류 제목 Publication Date
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» Domestic Conference 김성훈, 노명일, 오민재, 박성우, 구남국, "조선해양 PLM을 위한 빅데이터 기술 연구", 2017년도 대한조선학회 춘계학술발표회, 부산, pp. 528, 2017.04.19-20 file 2017-04-20
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