Min-Jae Oh, Myung-Il Roh, Sung-Woo Park, Do-Hyun Chun, In-Il Kim, Chang-Yong Kim, Won-Joon Lee, "Estimation of Ship Energy Efficiency from Big Data Analysis", Proceedings of the 32nd Asian-Pacific TEAM(Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine Structures) 2018, Wuhan, China, pp. 262-264, 2018.10.15-18
International Conference
2018.07.03 14:57
Min-Jae Oh, Myung-Il Roh, Sung-Woo Park, Do-Hyun Chun, In-Il Kim, Chang-Yong Kim, Won-Joon Lee, "Estimation of Ship Energy Efficiency from Big Data Analysis", Proceedings of the 32nd Asian-Pacific TEAM 2018, Wuhan, China, pp. 262-264, 2018.10.15-18
조회 수 1252
첨부 '1' |
Publication Date | 2018-10-17 |
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Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, "Integrated Sim...
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조로만, 노명일, 함승호, "다관절 크레인의 좌우동요 저감을 위한 제어 방법에 관한 연구", 2017년도 한국CDE학회 동계학술발표회, pp. 584, 평창, 2017.02.08-10
2017.02.17by SyDLab