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Publication Date 2018-10-17

Min-Jae Oh, Myung-Il Roh, Sung-Woo Park, Do-Hyun Chun, In-Il Kim, Chang-Yong Kim, Won-Joon Lee, "Estimation of Ship Energy Efficiency from Big Data Analysis", Proceedings of the 32nd Asian-Pacific TEAM(Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine Structures) 2018, Wuhan, China, pp. 262-264, 2018.10.15-18

List of Articles
번호 분류 제목 Publication Date
227 Conference Chairman 설계 및 법규 (A1, A3), 2018년도 대한조선학회 춘계학술발표회, 제주, 2018.05.24-25 2018-05-24
226 Conference Chairman 설계/건조, 2018년도 한국해양공학회 춘계학술발표회, 제주, 2018.05.24-25 2018-05-25
225 International Conference Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, "Collision Detection and Response between an LPG Tank and a Hull Structure Using Non-Interpenetration Constraints", Proceedings of the 9th ACMD 2018, Xian, China, 2018.08.19-23 file 2018-08-20
224 International Conference Hye-Won Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Ho Ham, "Modeling of a Mooring System Based on Flexible Multibody Dynamics Considering Contact with Seabed", Proceedings of the 9th ACMD 2018, Xian, China, 2018.08.19-23 file 2018-08-20
223 Domestic Conference 이혜원, 노명일, 함승호, "해저면과의 접촉을 고려한 다물체 동역학 기반의 계류 해석 연구", 2018년도 해양플랜트설계연구회 하계연구발표회, 서울, 2018.05.31-06.01 file 2018-05-31
222 Domestic Conference 함승호, 노명일, 이혜원, “역학 기반 시뮬레이션을 위한 통합 시뮬레이션 방법 및 조선해양에의 적용”, 2018년도 해양플랜트설계연구회 하계연구발표회, 서울, 2018.05.31-06.01 file 2018-05-31
221 Domestic Conference 이성준, 노명일, 김신형, "딥러닝을 이용한 이미지 기반 해양 장애물 탐지 및 분류", 2018년도 해양플랜트설계연구회 하계연구발표회, 서울, 2018.05.31-06.01 file 2018-05-31
220 Domestic Conference 이주필, 노명일, 이혜원, 함승호, "와이어 래핑 방법을 사용한 침몰 선박의 인양 시뮬레이션", 2018년도 해양환경안전학회 춘계학술발표회, 인천, pp. 147, 2018.06.21-22 file 2018-06-22
219 International Conference Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, "Integrated Simulation Methods Based on Multibody Dynamics in Ships and Offshore Structures", Proceedings of the 32nd Asian-Pacific TEAM 2018, Wuhan, China, pp. 592-596, 2018.10.15-18 file 2018-10-17
» International Conference Min-Jae Oh, Myung-Il Roh, Sung-Woo Park, Do-Hyun Chun, In-Il Kim, Chang-Yong Kim, Won-Joon Lee, "Estimation of Ship Energy Efficiency from Big Data Analysis", Proceedings of the 32nd Asian-Pacific TEAM 2018, Wuhan, China, pp. 262-264, 2018.10.15-18 file 2018-10-17
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