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Abstract In shipyards, ships and offshore structures are constructed by joining several blocks on the dock. For this, a gantry crane generally conduct block erection operation including the lifting, turn-over, and lowering procedure. During the erection operation, the operator controls the trolleys, crane girder, and wire ropes to control the motion of the block to the certain trajectory and the orientation. The gantry crane lifting a block is an underactuated mechanical system, which has more degrees of freedom than control inputs. Therefore, the traditional control theories are not applicable to the operations of block erection. In this study, a method for the controller design of the gantry crane is proposed for the trajectory tracking control of the block. Then, the simulation based on the multibody dynamics is performed to analyze the motions of the crane and the block. The result has shown that the motion of the block is successfully controlled during the operation.
Publication Date 2019-09-22
Hye-Won Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Ho Ham, Do-Hyun Chun, "Controller Design of a Gantry Crane for the Safe Erection of Blocks in Shipyards", Proceedings of International Symposium on PRADS(Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures) 2019, Yokohama, Japan, 2019.09.22-26

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