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Abstract "Discrete Event and Dynamic based Discrere Time Combined Simulation Modeling Architecture" is developed in this paper, which can be used to calculate equations of motion among discrete events, This modelming architecture is composed of "Command Model" shich is in change of discrete event simulation, "Numerical Integration Model"which finds motions by integrating equations of motions numerically, "External Force and Control Force Model" which calculates the force and transmits it to the eqation, By using this modelming architecture, one can develop dym\namic based simulation simply connecting and combining the models, and can handle discrete event and discrete time simulation simulaneously. To verify the efficiency of the modeling architecture developed in this paper, it is applied to the submarine diving/surfacing simulation.
Publication Date 2008-11-13

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  10. No Image 04Dec
    by SyDLab
    in Domestic Conference

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