Yoon-Nam An, Joo-Sung Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Bum-Sang Yoon, Kyoung-Sik Chang, "Shape Optimization of Structural Member Based on Isogeometry Concept", Proceedings of the 24th Asian-Pacific TEAM(Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine Structures) 2010, Vladivostok, Russia, pp. 343-348, 2010.08.23-26
Yoon-Nam An, Joo-Sung Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Bum-Sang Yoon, Kyoung-Sik Chang, "Shape Optimization of Structural Member Based on Isogeometry Concept", Proceedings of the 24th Asian-Pacific TEAM(Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine Structures) 2010, Vladivostok, Russia, pp. 343-348, 2010.08.23-26
첨부 '1' |
Abstract | This study is concerned with the shape optimization of structural members frequently found in critical area of ship and offshore structures, that is, highly stress zone. Isogeometry analysis has been introduced by Prof. Hughes in 2005, and is known to be the very efficient way to integrate the geometric modeling (CAD) and computational analysis (CAE). This can be accomplished by directly using the geometric modeling by NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational Basis Spline). In this study an efficient computer code adopting the isogeometry concept has been developed for the structural analysis, in which CAD information can be directly used in the finite element modeling. The present results are compared with those by using the commercial package, that is, MSC/NASTRAN. The present isogeometric analysis procedure has been integrated with the optimization procedure to deal with the optimization problem found in the context of structural mechanics. The present system has been successfully applied to the shape optimization of cantilever structure having bracket. From the present study, it can be seen the validity of the present approach and computer codes developed in this study. This paper ends with some discussions about the practical usefulness of the present approach which is based on isogeometry analysis, and extension of the present study. Results of the further studies will be presented at the judicial proceedings and journals. |
Publication Date | 2010-08-23 |
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