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Abstract In this paper, the development of a simulation program that can automatically generate equations of motion for mutibody systems in the discrete event simulation framework is presented. The need to analyze the dynamic response of mechanical systems that are under event triggered conditions is increasing. General mechanical systems can be defined as multibody systems that are collections of interconnected rigid bodies, consistent with various types of joints that limit the relative motion of pairs of bodies. For complex multibody systems, a systematic approach is required to efficiently set up the mathematical models. Therefore, a dynamics kernel was developed to automatically generate the equations of motion for multibody systems based on multibody dynamics. The developed dynamics kernel also provides the numerical solver for the dynamic analysis of multibody systems. The general multibody dynamics kernel cannot deal with discontinuous state variables, event triggered conditions, and state triggered conditions, though. To enable it to deal with multibody systems in discontinuous environments, the multibody dynamics kernel was integrated into a discrete event simulation framework, which was developed based on the discrete event system specification (DEVS) formalism. DEVS formalism is a modular and hierarchical formalism for modeling and analyzing systems under event triggered conditions, which are described by discontinuous state variables. To verify the developed program, it was applied to an block-lifting and transport simulation, and dynamic analysis of the system is carried out.
Publication Date 2011-09-02
Nam-Kug Ku, Ara Jo, Sol Ha, Myung-Il Roh, Kyu-Yeul Lee, "Automatic Generation of Equations of Motion for Multibody System in Discrete Event Simulation Framework", Proceedings of First World Conference on INSODE(Innovation and Software Development) 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 55-64, 2011.09.02-04

List of Articles
번호 분류 제목 Publication Date
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» International Conference Nam-Kug Ku, Ara Jo, Sol Ha, Myung-Il Roh, Kyu-Yeul Lee, "Automatic Generation of Equations of Motion for Multibody System in Discrete Event Simulation Framework", Proceedings of INSODE 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 55-64, 2011.09.02-04 file 2011-09-02
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