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Abstract Before salvaging a sunken ship, simulation is needed to predict lifting force for salvage before real operation. Procedures affecting lifting force for salvage can be divided into three steps. The First stepcalculates the bottom breakout force for sunken ship to escape from seafloor sediment. The second step is to consider current forces acting on the ship while lifting from the seafloor to near free surface. Finally, the third step consider changing buoyancy nearby free surface when sunken ship start to escape from water. In the previous studies, they simply assume position and embedment depth of sunken ship and mainly focus on the first step. However, we calculate breakout force considering various positions of the sunken ship, embedment depths and volumes. Also the lifting force during three steps is calculated in the time domain. And, it is applied to several cases considering various environmental conditions such as kinds of seafloor
sediment, current angle of attack, current velocity, and sea state
Publication Date 2015-02-05

김주성, 함승호, 김기수, 이혜원, 노명일, 하솔, "해저 저질과 환경 하중을 고려한 침몰 선체 인양 시뮬레이션", 2015년도 한국CAD/CAM학회 동계학술발표회, 평창, pp. 292-299, 2015.02.04-06

List of Articles
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