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327 Domestic Conference 오민재, 노명일, 박성우, 전도현, 손명조, 이정렬, "AIS 데이터를 이용한 빅데이터 기술 기반의 컨테이너선 운항 특성 분석", 2018년도 대한조선학회 추계학술발표회, 창원, pp. 218, 2018.11.8-9 file 2018-11-08
326 Conference Chairman Computational Design and Optimization 4, ACDDE(Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering) 2018, Okinawa, Japan, 2018.11.01-03 2018-11-02
325 International Conference Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, Jong-Hyuk Lee, Sung-Jun Lee, "Multi-purpose Simulator for Ships and Offshore Structure", Proceedings of ACDDE 2018, Okinawa, Japan, 2018.11.1-3 file 2018-11-01
324 International Conference Min-Jae Oh, Myung-Il Roh, Sung-Woo Park, Do-Hyun Chun, Jeong-Youl Lee, Myeong-Jo Son, "Operational Analysis of Container Ships Using AIS Data", Proceedings of ACDDE 2018, Okinawa, Japan, 2018.11.1-3 file 2018-11-01
323 International Conference Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, "Integrated Simulation Methods Based on Multibody Dynamics in Ships and Offshore Structures", Proceedings of the 32nd Asian-Pacific TEAM 2018, Wuhan, China, pp. 592-596, 2018.10.15-18 file 2018-10-17
322 International Conference Min-Jae Oh, Myung-Il Roh, Sung-Woo Park, Do-Hyun Chun, In-Il Kim, Chang-Yong Kim, Won-Joon Lee, "Estimation of Ship Energy Efficiency from Big Data Analysis", Proceedings of the 32nd Asian-Pacific TEAM 2018, Wuhan, China, pp. 262-264, 2018.10.15-18 file 2018-10-17
321 International Conference Seong-Yeob Jeong, Kuk-Jin Kang, Hyun-Soo Kim, Jung-Joong Kim, Myung-Il Roh, "A Study of Ship Safe Voyage Planning in the Northern Sea Route", Proceedings of PACOMS 2018, Jeju, Korea, 2018.10.14-17 file 2018-10-15
320 International Conference Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, "Collision Detection and Response between an LPG Tank and a Hull Structure Using Non-Interpenetration Constraints", Proceedings of the 9th ACMD 2018, Xian, China, 2018.08.19-23 file 2018-08-20
319 International Conference Hye-Won Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Ho Ham, "Modeling of a Mooring System Based on Flexible Multibody Dynamics Considering Contact with Seabed", Proceedings of the 9th ACMD 2018, Xian, China, 2018.08.19-23 file 2018-08-20
318 Domestic Conference 이주필, 노명일, 이혜원, 함승호, "와이어 래핑 방법을 사용한 침몰 선박의 인양 시뮬레이션", 2018년도 해양환경안전학회 춘계학술발표회, 인천, pp. 147, 2018.06.21-22 file 2018-06-22
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