Bo-Hyun Lee, Kyoung-Sik Chang, Bum-Sang Yoon, Joo-Sung Lee, Myung-Il Roh, "Large Eddy Simulation of Fully Turbulent Channel Flow Using Variational Multiscale Method", Proceedings of the 23rd Asian-Pacific TEAM(Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine Structures) 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 93-97, 2009.11.30-12.03
International Conference
2013.12.04 14:01
Bo-Hyun Lee, Kyoung-Sik Chang, Bum-Sang Yoon, Joo-Sung Lee, Myung-Il Roh, "Large Eddy Simulation of Fully Turbulent Channel Flow Using Variational Multiscale Method", Proceedings of the 23rd Asian-Pacific TEAM(Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine Structures) 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 93-97, 2009.11.30-12.03
조회 수 18322
첨부 '1' |
Abstract | In the present work, LES with new variational multiscale method is conducted on the fully developed channel flow with Reynolds number is 180 based on the friction velocity and the channel half width. Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are integrated using finite element method with the basis function of NURBS. To solve space-time equations, Newton's method with two stage predictor multicorretor algorithm is employed. The code is parallelized using MPI. The computational domain is a rectangular box of size 2π×2×4/3π in the streamwise, wall normal and spanwise direction. Mean velocity profiles and velocity fluctuations are compared with the data of DNS. The results agree well with those of DNS and other traditional LES. Also turbulent flow structures are shown using isosurface of streamwise velocity and Q-criteria. |
Publication Date | 2009-11-30 |
Nam-Kug Ku, Sol Ha, Myung-Il Roh, Kyu-Yeul Lee, "Development of a Kernel for Dynamic Analysis of Various Types of Multi-Crane in Shipyard", Proceedings of ISOPE(International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers) 2013, Alaska, USA, pp. 693-701, 2013.06.30-07.05
CategoryInternational Conference -
Sol Ha, Nam-Kug Ku, Myung-Il Roh, "Ontological Modeling and Process Simulation of LNG FPSO Liquefaction Cycle based on DEVS Formalism", Proceedings of ISOPE(International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers) 2013, Alaska, USA, pp. 950-958, 2013.06.30-07.05
CategoryInternational Conference -
Sang-Rai Cho, Jong-Min Kim, Young-Hun Kim, Joo-Sung Lee, Myung-Il Roh, "Towards More Rational Design of Ship Structures against Collisions", Proceedings of ICCGS(International Conference on Collision and Grounding of Ships) 2013, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 187-195, 2013.06.17-19
CategoryInternational Conference -
Seong-Ho Seo, Myung-Il Roh, Nam-Kug Ku, Kyu-Yeul Lee, "Dynamic Response Simulation of an Offshore Wind Turbine Suspended by a Floating Crane", Proceedings of ISGMA(International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications) 2012, Jeju, Korea, pp. 1-7, 2012.08.27-29
CategoryInternational Conference -
Se-Yong Jeong, Seong-Ho Seo, Myung-Il Roh, "A Method for Determining a Ship Economic Route for Fuel Saving", Proceedings of ISGMA(International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications) 2012, Jeju, Korea, pp. 1-5, 2012.08.27-29
CategoryInternational Conference -
Tae-Sub Um, Jeong-Hoon Park, Myung-Il Roh, "Determination of Optimal Principal Dimensions of the Hatch Cover for Lightening of a Bulk Carrier", Proceedings of ISGMA(International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications) 2012, Jeju, Korea, pp. 1-7, 2012.08.27-29
CategoryInternational Conference -
Ji-Hyun Hwang, Nam-Kug Ku, Joon-Chae Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Kyu-Yeul Lee, "Optimal Synthesis of LNG FPSO Liquefaction Cycles", Proceedings of ISOPE(International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers) 2012, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 927-935, 2012.06.17-22
CategoryInternational Conference -
Nam-kug Ku, Sol Ha, Myung-Il Roh, Kyu-Yeul Lee, "Dynamic Response Analysis of Multibody System in Discrete Event Simulation", Proceedings of ICORES(International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems) 2012, Algarve, Portugal, pp. 447-453, 2012.02.04-06
CategoryInternational Conference -
Kyu-Yeul Lee, Ju-Hwan Cha, Joon-Chae Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Ji-Hyun Hwang, "Determination of the Optimal Operating Condition of Dual Mixed Refrigerant Cycle at the Pre-FEED Stage of LNG FPSO Topside Liquefaction Process", Proceedings of ISOPE(International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers) 2011, Maui, USA, pp. 151-158, 2011.06.19-24
CategoryInternational Conference -
Yoon-Nam An, Joo-Sung Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Bum-Sang Yoon, Kyoung-Sik Chang, "Shape Optimization of Structural Member Based on Isogeometry Concept", Proceedings of the 24th Asian-Pacific TEAM(Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine Structures) 2010, Vladivostok, Russia, pp. 343-348, 2010.08.23-26
CategoryInternational Conference