이상현, 노명일, 김기수, "FLNG의 배치 설계를 위한 최적화 모델 연구", 2017년도 한국CDE학회 동계학술발표회, 평창, pp. 351, 2017.02.08-10
이상현, 노명일, 김기수, "FLNG의 배치 설계를 위한 최적화 모델 연구", 2017년도 한국CDE학회 동계학술발표회, 평창, pp. 351, 2017.02.08-10
첨부 '1' |
Abstract | The FLNG is an FPSO (floating, production, storage and offloading) facility with an LNG plant, including all ancillary facilities being self-contained on board. In contrast with commercial vessels such as LNG ship and Tanker, FLNG requires many considerations such as international codes and standards, including owners’ own requirements for both topside and hull. In this study, an arrangement method of FLNG based on expert system and the optimization technique was proposed to obtain the optimal layout which satisfies many requirements. And this study focused on economic effect other than the operability, maintainability, and safety. The proposed method can set up optimized principal dimensions and overall layout of FLNG including topside and hull. An FLNG design can be optimized according to the expert system that systematically computerize experts’ knowledge and experiences and evaluated the feasibility of alternatives for the arrangement design. And FLNG design can be developed by formulating an arrangement problem as optimization problem. The result of this study showed that the proposed method can be used to obtain the optimal design of FLNG. |
Publication Date | 2017-02-09 |
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이상현, 노명일, 김기수, "FLNG의 배치 설계를 위한 최적화 모델 연구", 2017년도 한국CDE학회 동계학술발표회, 평창, pp. 351, 2017.02.08-10
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하지상, 노명일, 함승호, "유압식 피스톤 사출 장치의 최적 설계 방법 연구", 2017년도 한국CDE학회 동계학술발표회, 평창, pp. 454, 2017.02.08-10
이성민, 노명일, 김기수, "선박 최적 항로 결정을 위한 목적 함수 및 제약 조건 선정에 관한 연구", 2017년도 한국CDE학회 동계학술발표회, 평창, pp. 455, 2017.02.08-10
황존규, 노명일, 김기수, 함승호, "시스템 엔지니어링 기반 해양플랜트 분리 시스템의 설계 검증 방법 연구", 2017년도 한국CDE학회 동계학술발표회, 평창, pp. 555, 2017.02.08-10