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Abstract The LNG FPSO is a kind of FPSO (Floating, Production, Storage, and Offloading unit) with an LNG plant, including all ancillary facilities. There are many parts of the process on the topside. In contrast with commercial vessels such as LNG ship and tanker, the design for LNG FPSO requires many considerations such as international standards, and owners’ requirements, maintenance philosophy and so on. The arrangement of every LNG facility on limited deck space has to be optimized while maintaining the safety and the operability required for LNG production. And it is necessary to optimize the integration of the topsides with the hull and marine systems considering the stability. In this study, the optimization method for LNG FPSO was proposed to obtain principle dimensions, the arrangement of hull tanks, and the layout of topside modules and equipment considering stability, safety, operability, and maintainability. The proposed method can be used to find the optimal layout of LNG FPSO which satisfies requirements for both topside and hull. The result of this study showed that the proposed method could be used for developing the optimal layout of initial design stage for LNG FPSO and improve work efficiency of the design process.
Publication Date 2018-06-11

Sang-Hyun Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Min Lee, Ki-Su Kim, "Optimization Method for the Arrangement of LNG FPSO Considering Stability, Safety, Operability, and Maintainability", Proceedings of the 13th IMDC(International Marine Design Conference), Helsinki, Finland, 2018.06.10-14

List of Articles
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» International Conference Sang-Hyun Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Min Lee, Ki-Su Kim, "Optimization Method for the Arrangement of LNG FPSO Considering Stability, Safety, Operability, and Maintainability", Proceedings of IMDC 2018, Helsinki, Finland, 2018.06.10-14 file 2018-06-11
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