노명일, 조상래, 정준모, 김영제, 변정우, "손상 함정의 침수 해석 기반 복원성 평가 방법", 2017년도 함정기술무기체계 세미나, 부산, 2017.10.26-27
CategoryDomestic Conference -
함승호, 노명일, 이성준, 조로만, 이주필, "조선 해양 분야에서의 물리 기반 해석과 가상 현실의 통합 시뮬레이션 기술 개발 및 적용", 2017년도 조선해양생산연구회 추계학술발표회, 부산, 2017.10.19-20
CategoryDomestic Conference -
Jisang Ha, Myung-Il Roh, Sung-Jun Lee, Ki-Su Kim, Seung-Min Lee, "Toward Rapid Analysis Using Surrogate Model by Deep Learning and Application to Ship Flooding Analysis", Proceedings of ISCDE 2017, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, pp. 1-2, 2017.12.13-16
CategoryInternational Conference -
Sung-Woo Park, Myung-Il Roh, Seong-Hoon Kim, Min-Jae Oh, "Material Requirements Planning of Offshore Structures Using Big Data Frameworks", Proceedings of ISCDE 2017, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, pp. 1-2, 2017.12.13-16
CategoryInternational Conference -
Luman Zhao, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, "Control Design for an Unmanned Surface Vessel Based on Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation", Proceedings of SUTTC(The Society for Underwater Technology Technical Conference) 2017, Haikou, China, 2017.11.23-24
CategoryInternational Conference -
Hye-Won Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Ho Ham, "Toward Advanced Mooring Analysis of a Floating Crane Based on Flexible Multibody Dynamics", Proceedings of SUTTC(The Society for Underwater Technology Technical Conference) 2017, Haikou, China, 2017.11.23-24
CategoryInternational Conference -
Min-Jae Oh, Myung-Il Roh, "Hull Form Surface Generation Using T-Spline", Proceedings of the 31st Asian-Pacific TEAM 2017, Osaka, Japan, 2017.09.25-28
CategoryInternational Conference -
Jisang Ha, Myung-Il Roh, Sung-Jun Lee, Ki-Su Kim, Seung-Min Lee, "Toward Rapid Flooding Analysis of a Ship Using Surrogate Model by Deep Learning", Proceedings of the 31st Asian-Pacific TEAM 2017, Osaka, Japan, pp. 397-400, 2017.09.25-28
CategoryInternational Conference -
Ki-Su Kim, Myung-Il Roh, Sung-Min Lee, Jihye Cha, Jongjin Park, DongYeon Lee, Booki Kim, "An Efficient Method for Cost and Risk Saving in Ship Route Planning", Proceedings of the 31st Asian-Pacific TEAM 2017, Osaka, Japan, 2017.09.25-28
CategoryInternational Conference -
이승민, 노명일, 이성민, 김기수, "선박 항로 계획을 위한 최적 경로 및 속도 결정 방법", 2017년도 선박해양설계연구회 하계연구발표회, 세종, 2017.08.24-25
CategoryDomestic Conference