노명일, 이규열, 이상욱, 임중현, 강성찬, "초기 선체 구조 CAD 시스템을 이용한 생산 계획용 물량 정보 생성", 2004년도 대한조선학회 춘계학술발표회, 통영, pp. 831-838, 2004.04.22-23
Domestic Conference
2013.12.04 15:52
노명일, 이규열, 이상욱, 임중현, 강성찬, "초기 선체 구조 CAD 시스템을 이용한 생산 계획용 물량 정보 생성", 2004년도 대한조선학회 춘계학술발표회, 통영, pp. 831-838, 2004.04.22-23
조회 수 10412
첨부 '1' |
Abstract | In a production planning stage of a shipbuilding company, production material information in a building block is manually calculated by using data of parent ships and design experiences. Thus, accuracy and reliability of the calculated production material information is low. In this study, the technique generating the production material information for CAPP was developed based on the initial hull structural design system “EzSTRUCT", which could generate the 3D CAD model for hull structure in the initial design stage and was developed by us. To evaluate the applicability of the developed technique, it was applied to generation of the production material information of the deadweight 300,000 ton VLCC and the deadweight 73,000 ton bulk carrier. |
Publication Date | 2004-04-22 |