노명일, 유성진, 이규열, 방경운, 서정우, "선체 구조 모델의 위상 정보 재구성을 통한 구조 해석 모델 생성", 2005년도 대한조선학회 추계학술발표회, 용인, pp. 275-287, 2005.11.03-04
Domestic Conference
2013.12.04 15:54
노명일, 유성진, 이규열, 방경운, 서정우, "선체 구조 모델의 위상 정보 재구성을 통한 구조 해석 모델 생성", 2005년도 대한조선학회 추계학술발표회, 용인, pp. 275-287, 2005.11.03-04
조회 수 10094
첨부 '1' |
Abstract | In the ship building industry, the generation of a structural analysis model, that is, a finite element model of a hull structure, has been manually performed by a designer and thus has required lots of time as compared with that of a mechanical part, because of many constraints, the complexity, and the huge size of the hull structure. To make this task automatic, a generation method of the structural analysis model is proposed through the reconstruction of the topological information of a hull str니ctural model in this study. The applicability of the proposed method is demonstrated by applying it to the generation of the structural analysis model of a deadweight 300,OOOton VLCC(Very Large Crude oil Carrier). |
Publication Date | 2005-11-03 |