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  1. No Image 05Oct
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

    Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, Jung-Woo Hong, "Dynamic Motion Analysis of a Drilling Rig Connected with Flexible Risers based on Flexible Multibody Dynamics", Proceedings of SUTTC 2016, Beijing, China, 2016.09.26-30

  2. No Image 12Sep
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

    Ki-Su Kim, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Ho Ham, "Ship Route Planning Considering the Effects of Sea State and the Fuel Consumption", Proceedings of PRADS 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016.09.04-09.08

  3. No Image 12Sep
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

    Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, Jeong-Woo Hong, "Multi-physics Simulation Framework for Design and Production of Ships and Offshore Plants", Proceedings of PRADS 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016.09.04-09.08

  4. No Image 05Oct
    by SyDLab
    in Conference Chairman

    Design and Production in Maritime Engineering I, PRADS(International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures) 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016.09.04-09.08

  5. No Image 17Aug
    by SyDLab
    in Conference Chairman

    Ship & Ocean Engineering II, 2016년도 한국CDE학회 하계학술발표회, 부산, 2016.08.25-26

  6. No Image 12Sep
    by SyDLab
    in Domestic Conference

    김주성, 노명일, 함승호, 김기수, “구획 내 기체의 압축을 고려한 선박의 동적 침수 해석 방법 연구”, 2016년도 한국CAD/CAM학회 하계학술발표회, 부산, pp. 131, 2016.08.25-26

  7. No Image 12Sep
    by SyDLab
    in Domestic Conference

    이승민, 노명일, 김기수, 함승호, “항로, 해상환경, 운동을 고려한 선박의 실감 운항 가시화 기술 연구”, 2016년도 한국CAD/CAM학회 하계학술발표회, 부산, pp. 192, 2016.08.25-26

  8. No Image 12Sep
    by SyDLab
    in Domestic Conference

    이혜원, 노명일, 함승호, 홍진욱, 문중수, 심우승, “초대형 해상 크레인의 작업 안정성 평가 프로그램 개발”, 2016년도 한국CAD/CAM학회 하계학술발표회, 부산, pp. 133, 2016.08.25-26

  9. No Image 02Aug
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

    Dong-Hoon Jeong, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Ho Ham, Woo-Young Choi, Chan-Young Lee, Kyung-Min Seo, Dong-Chul Lee, "Simulation-Based Performances Analysis for Naval Ships at the Initial Design Stage", Proceedings of ISOPE 2016, Rhodes, Greece

  10. No Image 02Aug
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

    Sung-Min Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Ki-Su Kim, Seung-Ho Ham, Shin-Hyung Kim, Jin-Ho Hwang, "Lug Arrangement Design Based on the Optimization Technique and the Dynamic Analysis for Safe Block Lifting in Shipbuilding", Proceedings of ISOPE 2016, Rhodes, Greece

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