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Abstract A layout of a FPSO should be elaborately determined as compared with that of an onshore plant because many topside process systems are installed on the limited area; the deck of the FPSO. In this study, a layout for the topside modules was determined by using the optimization technique. For this, an optimization problem for the topside layout was mathematically formulated. The problem consists of 252 design variables representing the positions of topside process systems, 53 equality constraints and 144 inequality constraints representing limitations on the layout of them, and an objective function representing the total layout cost. To solve the problem, a hybrid optimization method that consists of the genetic algorithm(GA) and sequential quadratic programming(SQP) was used in this study. As a result, we can obtain a layout for the topside modules of the FPSO which satisfies all constraints related to limitations on the layout.
Publication Date 2013-01-30

정세용, 노명일, 신현경, "최적화 기법을 이용한 FPSO 상부 구조 모듈의 배치 방법 연구", 2013년도 한국CAD/CAM학회 학술발표회, 평창, pp. 826-830, 2013.01.30-02.01

List of Articles
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