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Abstract As the weight and size of the erected block and module of the offshore project are increased, new lifting plans by using floating cranes have been tried to enhance the production efficiency in the shipbuilding area. In this situation, a physics-based simulation is required to manage potential risk of lifting plan in advance. Similar requirements have been arisen in the installation of the offshore plants such as float-over and launching. Therefore, this study developed a physics-based simulation system for production and installation of ships and offshore plants. The developed simulation system is based on six kernels: multibody system dynamics kernel, force calculation kernel, numerical analysis kernel, hybrid simulation kernel, scenario management kernel, and collision detection kernel. Based on these kernels, this study develop a simulator including following graphic user interfaces (GUIs): modelling, visualization, and report GUI. It was applied to various examples for production and installation of ships and offshore plants. The results show that the simulator is useful for various simulations of the operations in shipyards and offshore industries.
Publication Date 2015-10-01

Myung-Il Roh, Sol Ha, Nam-Kug Ku, Seung-Ho Ham, "Physics-based Simulation for Production and Installation of Ships and Offshore Plants", Proceedings of ICCAS(International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding) 2015, Bremen, Germany, Vol. 3, pp. 123-130, 2015.09.29-10.01

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  2. No Image 11Mar
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

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  3. No Image 11Mar
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

    Ki-Su Kim, Jung-Woo Hong, Sol Ha, Seung-Ho Ham, Nam-Kug Ku, Myung-Il Roh, "A Method for Optimal Arrangement Design Based on Expert System and Its Application to Submarine Design", Proceedings of IMDC 2015, Tokyo, Japan, 2015.5.11-14

  4. No Image 11Mar
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

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  5. No Image 11Mar
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

    Seung-Ho Ham, Jeong-Woo Hong, Ki-Su Kim, Sol Ha, Myung-Il Roh, Ju-Hwan Cha, Nam-Kug Ku, "Multi-physics Framework for Advanced Simulation in Shipbuilding", Proceedings of ISOPE 2015, Hawaii, USA, 2015.06.21-26

  6. No Image 11Mar
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

    Sol Ha, Ki-Su Kim, Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, Nam-Kug Ku, "Co-simulation of Multibody System Dynamics and Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method for Heavy Load Lifting Operations in Shipyards", Proceedings of ISOPE 2015, Hawaii, USA, 2015.06.21-26

  7. No Image 28Aug
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

    Dong-Hoon Jeong, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Ho Ham, Luman Zhao, Hye-Won Lee, Sol Ha, "Physics-based Simulation of Offshore Installation Operations Considering Ocean Environmental Loads and Operating Conditions", Proceedings of ASEM 2015, Korea

  8. No Image 09Feb
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

    Myung-Il Roh, "Simulation Based Engineering for Ship and Offshore Plant", International Ocean Technology Conference & Expo (IOTCE 2015), Qingdao, China, 2015.09.01-03

  9. No Image 09Sep
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

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  10. No Image 09Sep
    by SyDLab
    in International Conference

    Myung-Il Roh, Sol Ha, Nam-Kug Ku, Seung-Ho Ham, "Physics-based Simulation for Production and Installation of Ships and Offshore Plants", Proceedings of ICCAS 2015, Bremen, Germany, Vol. 3, pp. 123-130, 2015.09.29-10.01

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