Luman Zhao, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Ho Ham, "Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation for the Design and Testing of an Active Compensation System on an Offshore Supply Vessel", Proceedings of SUTTC(The Society for Underwater Technology Technical Conference) 2016, Beijing, China, 2016.09.26-30
International Conference
2016.10.05 10:24
Luman Zhao, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Ho Ham, "Hardware-In-the-Loop Simulation for the Design and Testing of an Active Compensation System on an Offshore Supply Vessel", Proceedings of SUTTC 2016, Beijing, China, 2016.09.26-30
조회 수 1157
첨부 '1' |
Abstract | Installation operations using offshore supply vessel (OSV) often paused due to unfavorable weather conditions. Without an efficient and accurate control mechanism, it will lead to dangerous situations. To prevent this, an active compensation (AC) system for anti-heave or anti-sway is used to minimize motion of the suspended subsea equipment regardless of the OSV’s motion. Therefore, the performance of control algorithm in the AC system should be evaluated in advance of operation. In this study, we used an effective method which called the hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) in order to validate the AC system. We have constructed the HILS environment for an AC system of an OSV, which is composed of five modules. At first, a virtual model of the OSV was created from a multibody system that can represent realistic motion in waves. Secondly, a virtual actuator model for the hydraulic system was also developed to validate the proposed control algorithm and compensation functions. Thirdly, a controller of the AC system with a control algorithm for active compensation was implemented on real hardware. Fourthly, an integrated simulation interface was implemented to connect the virtual models and the controller efficiently. At last, a visualization model was developed to verify simulation results by immersive and realistic views. A performance analysis of the AC system was conducted within the proposed HILS environment. A numerical example is to install a subsea manifold by the OSV in regular and irregular waves. A comparative study between uncontrolled and controlled results of the AC system was further performed. As a result, the performance of the AC system can be evaluated effectively within the HILS environment. |
Publication Date | 2016-09-29 |
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