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Abstract The past engineering design task has been achieved by the sequential method that incorporates the partially optimized design. By the way, a multidisciplinary design optimization methodolopy has recently emerged. The methodology yiedls a global optimal design result by reflecting ideas iof all design disciplines globally and minimizing iteration processes so that engineering principals and conditions of various design fields is satisfied. In this study, a non-linear optimization libray "EzOptimizer" and a pre-compiler "EZPreCompiler" for the "EzOptimizer" have been developed. In addition, to implement the collaborative optimization approach in the distributed environments. the Common Object Request Broker Architecture was used. Finally the collaborative optimization approach implenmented with the non-linear optimization program and the CORBA was applied to many multidisciplinary desgn optimization problems such as a mathematical optimization problem, a two-member hub design problem, a speed reducer design problem, and a ship principal dimensions determination problem.
Publication Date 2000-02-11

노명일, 이규열, "협동 최적화 접근방법에 의한 다분야 최적 설계에 관한 연구", 2000년도 한국CAD/CAM학회 학술발표회, 서울, pp. 163-170, 2000.02.11

  1. No Image 01May
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  3. No Image 29Aug
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  4. No Image 29Aug
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  5. No Image 04Dec
    in Domestic Conference

    노명일, 최우영, 이규열, "쾌속 배관 라우팅 방법을 적용한 선체 구조 모델 기반의 배관 모델링 시스템 개발", 2006년도 한국CAD/CAM학회 학술발표회, 평창, pp. 272-279, 2006.02.09-11

  6. No Image 04Dec
    in Domestic Conference

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  7. No Image 31Oct
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  8. No Image 04Dec
    in Domestic Conference

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  9. No Image 04Dec
    in Domestic Conference

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  10. No Image 04Dec
    in Domestic Conference

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