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Abstract Recently, floating cranes are mainly used to erect heavy blocks for constructing ships in many shipyards. It is important to estimate the dynamic motion of the heavy block suspended by a floating crane and the tension of the wire ropes between the floating crane and the heavy block. In this paper, the coupled dynamic equations of motion are set up for considering the 6 degree-of-freedom floating crane and the 6-degrees-of-freedom heavy block based on multibody system dynamics. Depending on the block weight, the motion of the floating crane would be changed to nonlinear state. The nonlinear terms in the equation of motion are considered. In addition, the nonlinear hydrostatic force, the linear hydrodynamic force, wire rope force, mooring force and gravity force are considered as the external forces. As the result of this paper, we analyze the engineering effect for erecting the heavy block by using the floating crane.
Publication Date 2009-02-04

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