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Abstract In offshore plant topside, all equipment should be installed with minimal cost in the limited spaces by considering sufficient operating and maintenance space for each equipment. And the safety is critical as an accident can lead to a disaster which impacts on human lives and environment. Recently, several layout methods have been proposed for offshore plant topside. However, an integrated method considering the economics, the safety, the operability, and the maintainability has not been proposed yet. In addition, expert’s knowledge and experience has not also been efficiently and flexibly reflected in the layout method. Therefore, an optimal layout method of the offshore plant topside based on the expert system was proposed in this study. For this, a template model for the offshore plant topside was defined first. Then, the expert system was developed to reflect the expert’s knowledge and experience, and design rules such as the international codes and standards. Next, a two-step optimization model was proposed for the layout of the offshore plant topside. The first step is module layout and the second step is equipment layout in each module. Finally, the applicability of the proposed method was assessed through the application to a layout problem of a FPSO topside. The result shows that the proposed method and the developed program can be used for the layout design of the offshore plant topside in early design stage.
Publication Date 2015-10-22

김성균, 노명일, 김기수, 정선경, 이성민, "전문가 시스템 기반 해양 플랜트 상부의 최적 배치 방법", 2015년도 한국해양공학회 추계학술발표회, 대전, pp. 467-469, 2015.10.22-23

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