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Abstract Recently, interest in the design and construction of smart ships has been widely increasing. Optimal route planning is a widely studied essential aspect of smart ship technology. Planning an optimal route requires an accurate estimation of the fuel oil consumption of a ship. Various studies have suggested methods for theoretically estimating the fuel oil consumption. However, the calculation methodology and accuracy are different for each method. In addition, in commercial software, a statistical model based mainly on operating data has been used. Therefore, in this study, we propose a method based on ISO 15016:2015 for estimating the fuel oil consumption of a ship by improving the ISO 15016:2002 method—which has been predominantly used in existing studies. Moreover, the accuracy of the proposed method is examined by comparing it with a gray box model based on operating data. The results confirm that the proposed method can be used for estimating the fuel oil consumption of a ship.
Publication Date 2020-10-12
Role Corresponding Author
Category SCIE
Impact Factor 2.033

Ki-Su Kim, Myung-Il Roh, “ISO 15016:2015-based Method for Estimating the Fuel Oil Consumption of a Ship”, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 791:1-18, 2020.10.12

List of Articles
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