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Abstract According to a progress in the quality of life and economy, recent years have seen an increase in interest in the cruise travel. However, it is important to provide them the optimum embarkation environment since there are to be many and unspecified persons staying for a long period on the cruise ship. In the architectural design field, a wide range of efforts are being recently made to meet customer’s requirements by considering the rapidly changing society, environment, and economic trend. The most representative one of such efforts is the inclusive design concept. This concept means to perform design satisfying all the function, convenience, aesthetic appreciation, and utility, regardless of sex, age, ability, nationality, cultural background or any kinds of disabilities. Regarding this trend, the convenience-oriented design of a cruise ship using the inclusive design concept was performed in this study. To do this, the composition of cabins and swimming pools, and the exterior of the cruise ship were classified into several groups through literature survey. Then, in the point of view of the inclusive design concept, inconvenience matters of passengers about the cabins, swimming pools, and exterior were also extracted from literature survey. Next, basis designs for them were selected among the classified groups in order to solve such inconvenience matters. Finally, the convenience-oriented design of the Emerald Princess Cruise considering the inclusive design concept was performed by applying the basis designs. As a result, we can see that the inclusive design concept can be applied to cruise ship design.
Publication Date 2011-06-01
Role Coauthor
Category KCI

이주성, 장경식, 노명일, "등기하 해석법을 이용한 구조 해석", 한국전산구조공학회 논문집, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 55-60, 2011.06.01

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