Domestic Journal

노명일, 이규열, "협동 최적화 접근 방법에 의한 다분야 최적 설계에 관한 연구", 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp.263-275, 2000.09.01

by SyDLab posted Dec 02, 2013


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Abstract Myltidisciplinary design optimization can yield optimal design considering all the disciplinary requirements concurrently. A method to implement the collaborative optimization approachm one of the MDO methodologiesm is developed using a precompiler "ezPreCompiler", a design optimization libray "EzOptimizer", and a common objiect request broker architecture in distribued computing environment. The CO approach is applied to a mathematical example to show its applicability and equivalence to standard optimization formulation, In a realistic engineering proble such as optimal design of a two member hub fram, optimal design of a speed reducer and initial design of a bulk carrier, the CO yields better results than the SO. Furthermore, the CO aloows the distributed processing using the CORBA, which leads to reduction of overall computation time.
Publication Date 2000-09-01
Role First Author
Category KCI

노명일, 이규열, "협동 최적화 접근 방법에 의한 다분야 최적 설계에 관한 연구", 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집,  Vol. 5, No. 3, pp.263-275, 2000.09.01


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