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Abstract The weight estimation of floating offshore structures, such as FPSO, TLP, semi-submersibles, floating offshore wind turbines, etc. in the preliminary design, is one of direct measures of both construction cost and basic performance. Through both literature investigation and internet search, the weight data of floating offshore structures such as FPSO was collected. In this study, the weight estimation model with the enhanced genetic programming method was suggested for the FPSO. The weight estimation model using the enhanced genetic programming method was established by fixing the independent variables based on this data. In addition, the correlation analysis was performed to make up for the weak points of the original genetic programming; it is apt to induce over-fitting when the number of data is relatively smaller than that of independent variables. That is, by reducing the number of variables through the analysis of the correlation between the independent variables, the increasing effect in the number of weight data could be expected. From the application result, the reliability of the developed weight estimation model was within 2% of error rate.
Publication Date 2015-02-01
Role Coauthor
Category KCI

엄태섭, 노명일, 신현경, "개선된 유전적 프로그래밍 방법을 이용한 부유식 해양 구조물의 중량 추정 모델 연구", 대한조선학회 논문집, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 1-7, 2015.02.01

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