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Abstract Before salvaging a wrecked ship, the physics-based simulation is needed to predict lifting force before real operation by floating crane or barge. Procedures affecting lifting force for the salvage can be divided into three stages. At the first stage, the bottom breakout force for the wrecked ship to escape from seabed sediment should be calculated. At the second step, the current force acting on the wrecked ship while lifting from the seabed to near sea surface should be considered. Finally, buoyancy change near at the sea surface when the wrecked ship start to escape from the water should be considered. In the previous studies, only the breakout force at the first stage was calculated based on simple assumption of embedment depth and contact area of the wrecked ship. Therefore, we develop a program for salvage simulation including whole stages. It is composed of four modules such as the equations of motion, time integration, force calculation, and visualization. As a result, it is applied to simulate lifting the wrecked ship according to various environmental loads including seabed sediments.
Publication Date 2015-10-01
Role Corresponding Author
Category KCI

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