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Abstract Advanced evacuation analysis of passenger ships is a stochastic method in which the total evacuation time is calculated via computer-based simulations, by considering each passenger’s characteristics (e.g., age, gender, etc.) and the detailed layout of the ship. This study presents simulations of advanced evacuation analysis using a cell-based simulation model for human behavior in a passenger ship. The cell-based simulation model divides the space in a uniform grid called cell. Each passenger is located in a cell and moves to another cell according to a set of local rules that are assumed to be associated with the individual, crowd, and counterflow-avoiding behaviors of the passengers. Individual behavior is described with the basic walking direction that a passenger will take during the evacuation. The change in the direction and speed of a passenger based on his/her interaction with the other passengers is expressed via the crowd behavior, which has three basic rules: separation, alignment, and cohesion. The passenger’s behavior to avoid other passengers moving in the opposite direction is referred to as "counterflow-avoiding behavior" because such counterflow is included in the evacuation scenario. These behavior patterns are implemented as the local rules and are assigned to each cell. To verify the usefulness of the proposed simulation model, 11 tests specified in International Maritime Organization Maritime Safety Committee/Circulation 1238 (IMO/MSC Circ. 1238) were conducted, and it was confirmed that all the requirements of such tests had been met.
Publication Date 2012-10-01
Role Corresponding Author
Category SCI
Impact Factor 1.337

Sol Ha, Nam-Kug Ku, Myung-Il Roh, Kyu-Yeul Lee, "Cell-Based Evacuation Simulation Considering Human Behavior in a Passenger Ship", Ocean Engineering, Vol. 53, pp. 138-152, 2012.10.01

List of Articles
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» International Journal Sol Ha, Nam-Kug Ku, Myung-Il Roh, Kyu-Yeul Lee, "Cell-Based Evacuation Simulation Considering Human Behavior in a Passenger Ship", Ocean Engineering, Vol. 53, pp. 138-152, 2012.10.01 file 2012-10-01
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