구남국, 노명일, 차주환, "최적 러그 배치를 위한 골리앗 크레인의 와이어 로프와 선체 블록간의 동적 접촉력 계산", 한국전산구조공학회 논문집, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 375-380, 2012.10.01
Domestic Journal
2013.12.04 13:31
구남국, 노명일, 차주환, "최적 러그 배치를 위한 골리앗 크레인의 와이어 로프와 선체 블록간의 동적 접촉력 계산", 한국전산구조공학회 논문집, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 375-380, 2012.10.01
조회 수 5397
첨부 '1' |
Abstract | In this study, dynamic load and dynamic contact force between a building block and wire ropes of a goliath crane are calculated during lifting or turn-over of a building block for the design of an optimal lug arrangement system. In addition, a multibody dynamics kernel for implementing the system were developed. In the multibody dynamics kernel, the equations of motion are constructed using recursive formulation. To evaluate the applicability of the developed kernels, the interferences and dynamic contact force between the building block and wire ropes were calculated and then the hull structural analysis for the block was performed using the calculation result. |
Publication Date | 2012-10-01 |
Role | Corresponding Author |
Category | KCI |