Domestic Journal

이준범, 노명일, 오민재, “공간 가용성을 고려한 해양 구조물의 배관 라우팅”, 한국CDE학회 논문집, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 280-288, 2019.08.25

by SyDLab posted Aug 25, 2020


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Abstract The pipe routing is a difficult work in the detail design of an offshore structure. It takes a long
time and many efforts because many pipes exist in the topside of an offshore structure and
should avoid interference between the equipment and other pipes. However, most of the pipe
routing has been done by hand, so automation of the pipe routing is required. In this study, we
present the automation method of pipe routing for saving time and the designer’s effort. The
space availability is an important factor in pipe routing, so the algorithm to calculate the space
availability is proposed. To reduce the pipe routing time, Dijkstra algorithm considering pipe
length, the number of bends, and the space availability is applied for the pipe auto-routing. The
implementation result shows that the proposed method can perform the pipe auto-routing considering the space availability.
Publication Date 2019-08-25
Role First Author
Category KCI

이준범, 노명일, 오민재,  “공간 가용성을 고려한 해양 구조물의 배관 라우팅”, 한국CDE학회 논문집, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 280-288, 2019.08.25


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