김기수, 노명일, 김성용, 안진우, "잠수함의 구획 및 장비 배치 최적화를 위한 배치 템플릿 모델", 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 51-60, 2016.03.01
CategoryDomestic Journal -
구남국, 하솔, 노명일, "적응 제어 기반 Portable 용접 로봇 시뮬레이터 개발", 대한조선학회 논문집, 49권, 5호, pp. 400-409, 2012.10.
CategoryDomestic Journal -
구남국, 하솔, 노명일, "상하 동요 감쇠 장치 적용을 통한 새로운 다물체 동역학 프로그램의 적용성 검토", 한국전산구조공학회 논문집, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 247-254, 2013.08.01
CategoryDomestic Journal -
구남국, 하솔, 김기수, 노명일, "해상 크레인을 이용한 해상 풍력 발전기의 다물체계 동역학 설치 해석", 한국전산구조공학회 논문집, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 233,-239, 2013.08.01
CategoryDomestic Journal -
구남국, 이준채, 황지현, 노명일, 이규열, "최적화 기법을 이용한 LNG FPSO 액화 공정 장비의 다층 배치", 대한조선학회 논문집, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 68-78, 2012.02.01
CategoryDomestic Journal -
구남국, 노명일, 하솔, 신현경, "다물체계 운동 방정식 선형화를 통한 해상 풍력 발전기 동적 거동의 주파수 영역 해석 방법에 관한 연구", 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 84-92, 2015.03.01
CategoryDomestic Journal -
구남국, 노명일, 차주환, "최적 러그 배치를 위한 골리앗 크레인의 와이어 로프와 선체 블록간의 동적 접촉력 계산", 한국전산구조공학회 논문집, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 375-380, 2012.10.01
CategoryDomestic Journal -
구남국, 노명일, 이규열, "부유식 해상 풍력 발전기의 Tower Top 및 Rotor Shaft에 작용하는 동적 하중 계산", 한국전산구조공학회 논문집, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 455-463, 2012.10.01
CategoryDomestic Journal -
Xing Li, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Ho Ham, "A Collaborative Simulation in Shipbuilding and the Offshore Installation Based on the Integration of the Dynamic Analysis, Virtual Reality, and Control Devices", IJNAOE, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 699-722, 2019.07.01
CategoryInternational Journal -
Won-Jae Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, Jisang Ha, Yeong-Min Cho, Nam-Sun Son, “Detection and Tracking for the Awareness of Surroundings of a Ship Based on Deep Learning”, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 5
CategoryInternational Journal -
Tae-Sub Um, Myung-Il Roh, "Optimal Dimension Design of a Hatch Cover for Lightening a Bulk Carrier", International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 270-287, 2015.03.01
CategoryInternational Journal -
Sung-Woo Park, Myung-Il Roh, Min-Jae Oh, Seong-Hoon Kim, "Association Analysis of Piping Materials of an Offshore Structure Using Big Data Technology", Journal of Ship Production and Design, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 220-230, 2019.08.01
CategoryInternational Journal -
Sung-Min Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Ki-Su Kim, Seung-Ho Ham, "Optimum Design of Lug Arrangement Based on Static and Dynamic Analyses for Block Lifting", Journal of Ship Production and Design, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 119-133, 2018.05.01
CategoryInternational Journal -
Sung-Min Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Ki-Su Kim, Hoe-Ryong Jung, Jong-Jin Park, "Method for a Simultaneous Determination of the Path and the Speed for Ship Route Planning Problems", Ocean Engineering, Vol. 157, pp. 301-312, 2018.06.01
CategoryInternational Journal -
Sung-Kyoon Kim, Myung-Il Roh, Ki-Su Kim, “Evaluation of Feasibility Index in the Arrangement Design of an Offshore Topside based on the Automatic Transformation of Experts’ Knowledge and the Fuzzy Logic”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 130, 2017.01.15
CategoryInternational Journal -
Sung-Kyoon Kim, Myung-Il Roh, Ki-Su Kim, “Arrangement Method of Offshore Topside Based on an Expert System and Optimization Technique”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 2, pp. 1-19, 2017.04.01
CategoryInternational Journal -
Sung-Jun Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Min-Jae Oh, "Image-based Ship Detection Using Deep Learning", Ocean Systems Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 415-434, 2020.12.01
CategoryInternational Journal -
Sun-Kyung Jung, Myung-Il Roh, Ki-Su Kim, "Arrangement Method of a Naval Surface Ship Considering Stability, Operability, and Survivability", Ocean Engineering, Vol. 152, pp. 316-333, 2018.02.23
CategoryInternational Journal -
Sol Ha, Tae-Sub Um, Myung-Il Roh, Hyun-Kyoung Shin, “A Structural Weight Estimation Model of FPSO Topsides Using an Improved Genetic Programming Method”, Ships and Offshore Structures, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 43-55, 2017.01.01
CategoryInternational Journal -
Sol Ha, Seong-Ho Seo, Myung-Il Roh, Hyun-Kyoung Shin, "Simplified Nonlinear Model for the Weight Estimation of FPSO Plant Topside Using the Statistical Method", Ships and Offshore Structures, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 603-619, 2016.09.01
CategoryInternational Journal