하솔, 조윤옥, 구남국, 이규열, 노명일, "손상 선박의 자세를 고려한 여객선 승객 탈출 시뮬레이션", 대한조선학회 논문집, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 175-181, 2013.06.01
Domestic Journal
2013.11.28 14:42
하솔, 조윤옥, 구남국, 이규열, 노명일, "손상 선박의 자세를 고려한 여객선 승객 탈출 시뮬레이션", 대한조선학회 논문집, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 175-181, 2013.06.01
조회 수 6172
첨부 '1' |
Abstract | This paper presents a simulation for passenger ship evacuation considering the inclination of a ship. In order to describe a passenger's behavior in an evacuation situation, a passenger is modeled as a rigid body which translates in the horizontal plane and rotates along the vertical axis. The position and rotation angle of a passenger are calculated by solving the dynamic equations of motions at each time step. To calculate inclined angle of damaged ship, static equilibrium equations of damaged ship are derived using “added weight method”. Using these equations, physical external forces due to the inclination of a ship act on the body of each passenger. The crowd behavior of the passenger is considered as the flock behavior, a form of collective behavior of a large number of interacting passengers with a common group objective. Passengers can also avoid an obstacle due to penalty forces acting on their body. With the passenger model and forces acting on its body, the test problems in International Maritime Organization, Maritime Safety Committee/Circulation 1238(IMO MSC/Circ.1238) are implemented and the effects of ship's inclination on the evacuation time are confirmed. |
Publication Date | 2013-06-01 |
Role | Coauthor |
Category | KCI |