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Publication Date 2017-11-24

Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, "Physics-based Simulation and Its Applications for Design, Production, and Installation of Ships and Offshore Structures", Proceedings of SUTTC(The Society for Underwater Technology Technical Conference) 2017, Haikou, China, pp. 1, 2017.11.23-24

List of Articles
번호 분류 제목 Publication Date
95 International Conference Hye-Won Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Ho Ham, "Modeling of a Mooring System Based on Flexible Multibody Dynamics Considering Contact with Seabed", Proceedings of the 9th ACMD 2018, Xian, China, 2018.08.19-23 file 2018-08-20
94 International Conference Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, "Collision Detection and Response between an LPG Tank and a Hull Structure Using Non-Interpenetration Constraints", Proceedings of the 9th ACMD 2018, Xian, China, 2018.08.19-23 file 2018-08-20
93 International Conference Ki-Su Kim, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Min Lee, "Flooding Analysis Based on PBD (Position Based Dynamics) for Ships and Offshore Structures", Proceedings of ISOPE 2018, Sapporo, Japan, pp. 955-957, 2018.06.10-15 file 2018-06-14
92 International Conference Sung-Jun Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, Jisang Ha, Il-Guk Woo, "Image-based Ship Detection and Classification for Unmanned Surface Vehicle Using Real-Time Object Detection Neural Networks", Proceedings of ISOPE 2018, Sapporo, Japan, 2018.06.10-15 file 2018-06-13
91 International Conference Sung-Woo Park, Myung-Il Roh, Min-Jae Oh, Seong-Hoon Kim, Won-Joon Lee, In-Il Kim, Chang-Yong Kim, "Estimation Model of Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator Using Public Data Based on Big Data Technology", Proceedings of ISOPE 2018, Sapporo, Japan file 2018-06-14
90 International Conference Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, Hye-Won Lee, "Lifting Design for Ships and Offshore Structures Using Non-interpenetration Constraints and Flexible Multibody System Dynamics", Proceedings of ISOPE 2018, Sapporo, Japan, pp. 910-913, 2018.06.10-15 file 2018-06-11
89 International Conference Seung-Ho Ham, Myung-Il Roh, "Simulation-Based Design for Load-Out, Transportation, and Installation of Offshore Topside Modules Based on Flexible Multibody and Collision Dynamics", OTC Asia 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2018.3.20-23 file 2018-03-22
88 International Conference Sang-Hyun Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Min Lee, Ki-Su Kim, "Optimization Method for the Arrangement of LNG FPSO Considering Stability, Safety, Operability, and Maintainability", Proceedings of IMDC 2018, Helsinki, Finland, 2018.06.10-14 file 2018-06-11
87 International Conference Seong-Yeob Jeong, Kuk-Jin Kang, Hyun-Soo Kim, Jung-Joong Kim, Myung-Il Roh, "A Study of Ship Safe Voyage Planning in the Northern Sea Route", Proceedings of PACOMS 2018, Jeju, Korea, 2018.10.14-17 file 2018-10-15
86 International Conference Hye-Won Lee, Myung-Il Roh, Seung-Ho Ham, "Ship Mooring Design Based on Flexible Multibody Dynamics", Proceedings of the 13th IMDC, Helsinki, Finland, pp. 563-566, 2018.06.10-14 file 2018-06-11
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