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Abstract Recently, according to the increase of the operating cost and material cost of a ship due to the international oil price, a demand for the lightening of the ship weight is being made from shipping companies, ship owners, and shipyards. To satisfy such demand, many studies for a light ship are being made. Some of them include the optimal design of a hull structure, the proposal of a hull structure of new concept, the application of composite materials such as Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) to a hull structure, and so on. Among them, the former studies are producing actual and effective results. Thus, an optimal design method of a hull structure, that is, a method for lightening the ship weight based on the optimization technique was proposed in this study. For this, we formulated an optimization problem for determining optimal principal dimensions of the hatch cover for lightening of a bulk carrier. Some dimensions representing the shape of the hatch cover were selected as design variables and some limitations related to the maximum stress, maximum deflection, and geometry of the hatch cover were selected as constraints. In addition, the minimization of the weight of the hatch cover was selected as an objective function. To solve this optimization problem, we developed an optimization program based on the genetic algorithm and the Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) using C++ language. To evaluate the applicability of the proposed method, it was applied to an optimal principal dimensions problem of the deadweight 180,000 ton bulk carrier. The result shows that the proposed method can decrease the ship weight. Thus, this study will be able to contribute to make energy saving and environment-friendly ship in shipyard.
Publication Date 2012-08-27

Tae-Sub Um, Jeong-Hoon Park, Myung-Il Roh, "Determination of Optimal Principal Dimensions of the Hatch Cover for Lightening of a Bulk Carrier", Proceedings of ISGMA(International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications) 2012, Jeju, Korea, pp. 1-7, 2012.08.27-29

List of Articles
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» International Conference Tae-Sub Um, Jeong-Hoon Park, Myung-Il Roh, "Determination of Optimal Principal Dimensions of the Hatch Cover for Lightening of a Bulk Carrier", Proceedings of ISGMA(International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications) 2012, Jeju, Korea, pp. 1-7, 2012.08.27-29 file 2012-08-27
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