함승호,노명일,이혜원, "비 상호 관통 제약 조건을 이용한 다물체 시스템의 충돌 해석 방법에 대한 연구", 2017년도 한국CDE학회 동계학술발표회, 평창, pp. 350, 2017.02.08-10
Domestic Conference
2017.02.16 10:00
함승호, 노명일, 이혜원, "비 상호 관통 제약 조건을 이용한 다물체 시스템의 충돌 해석 방법에 대한 연구", 2017년도 한국CDE학회 동계학술발표회, 평창, pp. 350, 2017.02.08-10
조회 수 1462
첨부 '1' |
Abstract | Several approaches have been applied to detect collision and to calculate appropriate responses in the simulation of the multibody systems. If the bodies can be represented by continuously differentiable functions, we can use non-interpenetration condition as a collision analysis. Once their boundaries are represented mathematically by generalized coordinates, we can re-formulate the equations of motion including signed distance function between the two collision bodies, which is called non-interpenetration constraints. Non-interpenetration constraints are simply working only when the boundaries of the two bodies are in contact or interpenetrate each other. In this study, the equations of motion of multibody systems are presented for two types of collision: One is collision between the plane and vertices, the other is collision between the plane and the sphere. Moreover, the fictional constraints are also derived by using polyhedral approximation of the friction cone. Finally, it is successfully applied to verify the motion response of the bodies after collision. Furthermore, it is applied to the lifting-off simulation which is to lift the subsea equipment on the deck of the offshore support vessel (OSV) by using the knuckle boom crane. |
Publication Date | 2017-02-09 |