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Abstract A naval ship has a mission in the battle space so it must be exposed to man-made hostility. When the ship is damaged on the sea, it is necessary to predict its motion and furthermore whether it is to sink or not by damage for the integrated survival assessment. In addition, the arrangement design of the ship should be verified in the aspect of stability, including flooding, at the initial design stage. For this purpose, a flooding analysis can be used. If the flooding analysis method should be used at emergency, the result should be obtained in short time. For this, a quasi-static method for flooding analysis can be one alternative and it is proposed here. The proposed method is based on several theories such as dynamic orifice equation method, virtual vent and accumulator method, polyhedron integral method, method for the consideration of oil spill and solid cargo, and calculation method for intact and damage stability. To check the feasibility of the proposed method, it is applied to flooding analysis of a naval ship. As a result, it can be seen that the equilibrium position and time or the time to sink, and the amount of oil spill of the damaged ship can be estimated with the check of damage stability.
Publication Date 2017-04-20

이승민, 노명일, 김기수, "함정의 통합 생존성 평가를 위한 침수 해석 방법 연구", 2017년도 대한조선학회 춘계학술발표회, 부산, pp. 240, 2017.04.19-20

List of Articles
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