Course Syllabus
1. Class Information
(1) Class Title: Innovative Ship Design
(2) Class Number: 414.431A(3 Credits)
(3) Semester: Spring 2013
(4) Level of Course: Undergraduate / Senior
(5) Time: Mon. 13:00-14:50, Wed. 13:00-14:50
(6) Location: Room 112, Bldg. 34
(7) Instructor: Prof. Myung-Il Roh
- Office: Room 205, Bldg. 34
- E-mail:
- Phone: (02) 880-7328
- Office Hours: Available before school and after school by appointment
(8) Teaching assistants
- Main assistant: Ki-Soo Kim (E-mail:
- Other assistant: Ph.D. Nam-Kug Ku (E-mail:
- Office: Room 312, Bldg. 34
- Phone: (02) 880-8378
2. Course Topics and Description
(1) Procedures and methods of the basic ship design process are introduced: Determination of ship’s principal dimensions, Estimation of weight, Estimation of cargo hold volume, Calculation of freeboard, Prediction of resistance, speed and power, Determination of propeller principal dimensions, Selection of main engine, Hull form design by hull form variation method, General arrangement design, Naval architectural calculation such as volume, hydrostatics, trim & stability, subdivision & damage stability (SDS), longitudinal strength, Midship section structural design, Grillage analysis for Hull Structure.
(2) Students have to work in team, consisting of 5 to 6 students, on two term projects for given owner’s requirements. The 1st term project is a conceptual design of a container ship based on the given basis container ship and is obligatory for all students. After completing the conceptual design, students can then either join the “Ship Design Contest” or continue their 1st term project and start the 2nd term project handling the basic design of the container ship. The teams who are participating in the ship design contest will be favored in their grading.
3. Term Projects
(1) Projects Description
1st Term Project
- Due date: April, 21st (Sun), 23:00
- Presentation of 1st term project: April, 22nd (Mon), 13:00~14:50
- “Conceptual design of a container ship based on the given basis container ship”:
Contents: Determination of principal dimensions, performance calculation, hull form design, general arrangement design
2nd Term Project
- Due date: June, 9th (Sun), 23:00
- Presentation of 2nd term project: June, 10th (Mon), 13:00~14:50
- Basic design of the container ship including final hull form design, final general arrangement design, trim & stability calculation, and Midship section structural design and grillage analysis based on the FEM.
- Ship Design Contest:
Ship design contest organized by the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
Two teams shall join the contest. One team will work on an assigned topic, whereas the other team will work on a free theme. Both teams who are participating in the ship design contest will be favored in their grading.
(2) Work Scope
Group A: Students who participate in the ship design contest.
- Work Scope: Conceptual design of a container ship (1st term project)
- Ship Design Contest
Group B: Students who do not participate in the ship design contest.
- Work Scope: All contents of the 1st and 2nd term project
4. Textbook and Reference
(1) Texbook
- Lee, Kyu-Yeul, Roh, Myung-Il, “Innovative Ship Design” in English, Seoul National University, Spring 2013.
(2) Reference
- Lee, Kyu-Yeul, Open Course Ware (OCW) “Innovative Ship Design” in Korean, Seoul National University, Spring 2009.
- Parson, M. G., NA470 Ship Design & NA570 Advanced Marine Design,
- Schneekluth, H. & Bertram, V., Ship Design For Efficiency And Economy, 2nd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann 1998.
5. Grade Computation
Weighted system is as follows:
- Mid-term Exam: 20%
- Final Exam: 20%
- Term Projects1: 50%
- Attendance and activities during class time2: 10%
1) All students have to turn in their term projects by due date.
2) Students should answer the question of the instructor correctly during class time.
Most instructions will be made only on the eTL website for our class, so check it frequently.
6. Website:
7. Class Expectations
- Late work will be not accepted.
- Show respect to others and their property.
- Come prepared to class.
- It is required to make appointments to see instructor during office hours. Send email for an appointment at least one day in advance.
8. Exam
(1) Mid-term Exam
- Date: April 24th, 2013 (Wednesday)
- Time: 13:00~14:50
- Range: Conceptual ship design equations
(2) Final exam
- Date: June 12nd, 2013 (Wednesday)
- Time: 13:00~14:50
- Range: General arrangement design, Hull form design, Ship stability, Ship structural design
9. Course Schdule
Week |
Course Schedule |
Monday |
Wednesday |
Date |
Time: 13:00-14:50 |
Date |
Time: 13:00-14:50 |
1 |
03/04 |
Introduction to Ship Design and Construction |
03/06 |
Owner’s Requirements, Design Equations |
2 |
03/11 |
Buoyancy and Static Equilibrium, Hydrostatic Pressure, Force and Moment on a Floating Body |
03/13 |
Weight Equations, Volume Equations (1) |
3 |
03/18 |
Weight Equations, Volume Equations (2) |
03/20 |
Freeboard Calculation |
4 |
03/25 |
Resistance and Propulsion Power Estimation (1) |
03/27 |
Resistance and Propulsion Power Estimation (2) |
5 |
04/01 |
Main Engine Selection (1) |
04/03 |
Main Engine Selection (2) |
6 |
04/08 |
Propeller Selection (1) |
04/10 |
Propeller Selection (2) |
7 |
04/15 |
Example of Conceptual Ship Design (1) |
04/17 |
Example of Conceptual Ship Design (2) |
8 |
04/22 |
Presentation of 1st Term Project |
04/24 |
Mid-term Exam |
9 |
04/29 |
General Arrangement Design (1) |
05/01 |
General Arrangement Design (2) |
10 |
05/06 |
Hull Form Design by Variation Method (1) |
05/08 |
Hull Form Design by Variation Method (2) |
11 |
05/13 |
Computer Aided Hull‐Form Design by using EzHULL |
05/15 |
Ship Stability (1): Intact Stability (Transverse and Longitudinal Stability) |
12 |
05/20 |
Ship Stability (2): Deterministic Damage Stability |
05/22 |
Ship Stability (3): Probabilistic Damage Stability (SDS) |
13 |
05/27 |
Computer Aided Compartment Arrangement Design by using EzCOMPART |
05/30 |
Ship Structural Design (1): Longitudinal Strength, Local Scantling, Buckling |
14 |
06/03 |
Ship Structural Design (2): Midship Section Rule Scantling |
06/05 |
Ship Structural Design (3): Wave Loads, Ocean Wave Generation, Grillage Analysis for a Hull Structure |
15 |
06/10 |
Presentation of 2nd Term Project |
06/12 |
Final Exam |