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Abstract In this paper, a DEVS(Discrete EVent Systems Specification)-HLA(High Level Architecture) interface was developed in order to perform the simulation using the combined discrete event and discrete time simulation model architecture in a distributed environment. The developed interface connects the combined simulation model with the HLA/RTI(Run-Time Infrastructure) which is an international standard middleware for distributed simulation. The interface consists of an interface model, a model interpreter, and a distributed environment interpreter. The interface model was defined by using the combined simulation architecture in order to easily connect the existing combined simulation model without modification with the HLA/RTI. The model interpreter takes charge of data transmission between the interface model and the combined simulation model. The distributed environment interpreter takes charge of data transmission between the interface model and the HLA/RTI. To evaluate the applicability of the developed interface, it was applied to the diving simulation of a submarine in a distributed environment. The result shows that a simulation result in a distributed environment using the interface is the same to the result in a single computing environment.
Publication Date 2010-08-01
Role Corresponding Author
Category KCI

차주환, 하솔, 노명일, 이규열, "이산 사건/이산 시간 혼합형 시뮬레이션 모델 구조 기반 DEVS-HLA 인터페이스를 이용한 잠수함의 잠항 시뮬레이션", 한국CAD/CAM학회 논문집, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 279-288, 2010.08.01

List of Articles
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